Art of the Olympians (AOTO) is a unique organization that brings together Olympian and Paralympian artists to inspire and uplift through the fusion of sport and art. Founded by the legendary Olympian and artist Al Oerter, AOTO celebrates the spirit of the Olympic Games by promoting the core values of integrity, respect, character, and honor. Through exhibitions, workshops, and educational programs, AOTO creates meaningful connections between the athletic excellence of Olympians and the creative brilliance of artists, fostering a deeper appreciation for both disciplines.

Our mission is to inspire individuals to pursue their personal best, both in sports and in life, by showcasing the talents and stories of Olympians who have embraced artistic expression as a way to share their journey. AOTO’s traveling exhibitions and school programs offer a powerful way to connect with communities around the world, demonstrating that the same discipline, dedication, and passion that drives Olympic athletes also fuels the creative process. Whether through painting, sculpture, or other artistic mediums, our Olympian and Paralympian artists use their experiences to inspire others to strive for greatness, on and off the field.

AOTO is more than an organization—it’s a celebration of the human spirit. As a program of the Al Oerter Foundation, we continue Al’s vision of using art to share the values that underpin the Olympic movement. While we once operated a museum in Fort Myers, Florida, today we focus on bringing our exhibitions and programs to a global audience. By doing so, we carry forward Al Oerter’s legacy, demonstrating that excellence is not confined to the stadium or the studio, but thrives wherever individuals are committed to pursuing their potential and lifting others along the way.

Through the power of sport and art, we hope to inspire future generations to recognize their own potential and to understand that the pursuit of excellence is not just a journey, but a way of life. At AOTO, we believe that everyone has the ability to create, compete, and contribute to a better world, one filled with respect, creativity, and courage.

Art of the Olympians (AOTO) is a unique organization that brings together Olympian and Paralympian artists to inspire and uplift through the fusion of sport and art. Founded by the legendary Olympian and artist Al Oerter, AOTO celebrates the spirit of the Olympic Games by promoting the core values of integrity, respect, character, and honor. Through exhibitions, workshops, and educational programs, AOTO creates meaningful connections between the athletic excellence of Olympians and the creative brilliance of artists, fostering a deeper appreciation for both disciplines.

Our mission is to inspire individuals to pursue their personal best, both in sports and in life, by showcasing the talents and stories of Olympians who have embraced artistic expression as a way to share their journey. AOTO’s traveling exhibitions and school programs offer a powerful way to connect with communities around the world, demonstrating that the same discipline, dedication, and passion that drives Olympic athletes also fuels the creative process. Whether through painting, sculpture, or other artistic mediums, our Olympian and Paralympian artists use their experiences to inspire others to strive for greatness, on and off the field.

AOTO is more than an organization—it’s a celebration of the human spirit. As a program of the Al Oerter Foundation, we continue Al’s vision of using art to share the values that underpin the Olympic movement. While we once operated a museum in Fort Myers, Florida, today we focus on bringing our exhibitions and programs to a global audience. By doing so, we carry forward Al Oerter’s legacy, demonstrating that excellence is not confined to the stadium or the studio, but thrives wherever individuals are committed to pursuing their potential and lifting others along the way.

Through the power of sport and art, we hope to inspire future generations to recognize their own potential and to understand that the pursuit of excellence is not just a journey, but a way of life. At AOTO, we believe that everyone has the ability to create, compete, and contribute to a better world, one filled with respect, creativity, and courage.